EasyFluxTM-DL ("DL" for datalogger) is a free CRBasic program that enables a CR3000 datalogger to report fully-corrected fluxes of CO2, latent heat (H2O), sensible heat, and momentum from a Campbell Scientific open-path eddy-covariance (EC) system.
Final fluxes are processed from raw time-series (10 Hz) data by applying commonly used corrections found in scientific literature.
In the past, Campbell Scientific's datalogger EC programs roughly estimated fluxes, and PC post-processing software was used to fully correct the flux measurements. Now with the EasyFluxTM-DL program, fully-corrected fluxes are processed by the datalogger and reported at the end of each EC averaging interval.
Benefits and Features
Accesses final fluxes quickly without the burden of post-processing unwieldy time-series datasets
Produces flux output tables that are smaller than time-series tables, which allows flux data to be frequently collected using cellular, radio, or any other lower-bandwidth telemetry option
Can be downloaded free of charge from the Campbell Scientific website
Tested and shown to match fluxes provided by PC post-processing software packages (assuming same filtering of raw data and same selection of correction procedures)
Saves time-series data on the datalogger's CompactFlash card in case reprocessing is later needed
Includes data quality and footprint characteristics
Reports uncorrected and intermediate values in an auxiliary output table for more detailed data inspection
Supported Sensors
Either EC150 with CSAT3A or IRGASON
CR3000 datalogger
NL115, Nl116, or CFM100
CFMC2G or CFMC16G CompactFlash card
Optional Sensors:*
FW05, FW1, or FW3 Fine-Wire Thermocouple
HC2S3 or HMP155A Temperature and Relative Humidity Probe
CNR4, NR01, or NR-LITE2 Radiometer
CS300 or LI200X Pyranometer
LI190SB Quantum Sensor
SI-111 Infrared Radiometer
TE525MM Tipping Bucket Rain Gage
TCAV Soil Temperature Probe (quantity up to 2)
CS616 or CS650 Soil Water Content Probe (quantity up to 2)
HFP01 or HFP01SC Soil Heat Flux Plate (quantity up to 4)